There are many people across the globe who demands for personal investigation services. This type of investigation service is mainly conducted to gather personal details of a person. If you want to conduct such investigation services, then you simply need to contact us or visit our office at Hyderabad in person for further assistance.

We provide complete guidance in cases related to:

All details of the suspect party will be furnished to you and we will keep tracking his/her daily activities. We are expert in exploring the facts related to financial stability, social status, academic check, character check of the suspect party.
We are a leading detective agency in solving crime mysteries and also conduct theft investigation. With our expert forensic team we conduct in-depth analysis of the detailed evidences including finger print investigation, calligraphy investigation, DNA investigation etc.
We also conduct background checks for pre and post employment purposes on client’s demand. Besides, this service also covers the business frauds, labor cases and corporate checks.
Through this investigation service you can have a close check on your rivals. You will come to know about all the conspiracies made against your venture through this investigation service.
Our team of smart investigators will well-versed to uncover the frauds related to confiscation of your assets, property or confidential documents. Once you entrust the case, we will have complete peace of mind and need to worry about your assets anymore.

Maintaining confidentiality throughout the case is our prime concern and all the services are offered with complete secrecy as we respect the privacy of our clients. We will furnish a detailed report based in true facts and string grounds within the given time frame.

We offer investigation services to all our clients and we are not restricted to the geographical area.